This blog will show you miscellaneous tips. It will include things like beauty, fashion, books, recipes etc. Basically all the things I enjoy doing and feel I can help you with. Just tips and tricks.It will also include just random things that I want to share with you like a article or poem I read somewhere. Even my own work or just about my day. If your not interested then feel free to exit the site.Everybody else enjoy.
Hey guys I hope your good and enjoying your summer. Well I had a slow day today and at around 12 am I wrote a song and it was the second song I wrote on my guitar. The first song I wrote I copied a tune from a unknown band and the second I wrote by myself, tune and everything. It took 10 min and I still have to finalize it and I love it and I'm so proud of it. I was actually on the computer and I was reading a friends post and this whole chorus just came in my head it was so weird so then I started singing the chorus and then I realized who I was singing about I never noticed bec I was just singing this chorus for 2 min and then I start singing about our time together and before I knew it the whole song was about this person I didn't write it down just recorded it and I still have to fix some lyrics and finalize it. bec I just sang what was in my heart like I was talking to that person on the phone and the words poured out and then I listened to it and I'm like wow this is a good song. I really want to record it again and post it on youtube but the thing is I have a horrible voice like horrendous so I think I'll only post the lyrics. So look out this whole week for it and I'll post it.
Hey guys I just wanted to tell you about my day. Well it started out with me waking up and being bored and then me worrying about my SAT's. Now i have to go to my cousins house to tutor them. i am so exhausted and the weather is so icky. It's humid and it's raining. I still have to buy the kaplan 2010 version and i have to record elvis and annbelle i am so exited. i'm gonna start posting videos on youtube again and im gonna try to keep it as least boring as possible. I'm gonna be posting vidoes about stuff that nobody really cares about but still i think its fun.So any request just message me on youtube. www.youtube.com/f9tfan and enjoy your day.
Todays my first day with a blog and so far it's great. I am exhausted tomorrow is my aunts birthday and we will probably have a party. i just came back form my cousins house we just had language classes with my brother Abram and my 2 cousins. Everybody check out dsk jewlery and their 3rd giveaway enter and win. dskjewelry.blogspot.com and enjoy.